

 直撃するかと思った台風4号は 知らない間に通り過ぎていた 雨はそれなりに降ったが土砂災害もなく 被害に遭われた方には申し訳ないが いつもひやひやして見回りをしている(崩れる土砂に巻き込まれそうになったこともある) 台風が来ると見回りに行って池や用水路に落ちて亡くなる方がいるが 危険なのは判っているのに 確かめたくなる 私も気をつけている

 台風一過 少し年老いた山の樹々  風雨に耐えきれず折れてしまうようになったのは何年前からだろう  昔まだ私が高校生で坂出に引っ越してくる前は低い松が生い茂る山だった金山  松食い虫にやられて雑木林になったのは30数年前だろうか  小さなサヌカイトが山の斜面を覆う環境ではなかなか元気に樹々も育たないのか  台風あるいは強風が吹くたびに以前より片付けが大変になった  それも自然なのだろう  そして里山としての整備も必要なことは理解している

Stone Sound

Buddhist Monk Bagdro, Klaus & Hannes Fessmann-singing stones

 私が作っているサヌカイトのROUに似ています というか 素材はなんだか知らないのですが同じですね 演奏方法はワイン・グラスの摩擦に似ている方法で 叩くのではない 私も今は使っていない演奏方法を再度試してみることにします 楽器もそれに合わせて改良しよう・・・

  The Fessmans play SoundStones for World Peace at Musica Sacra International 2006 in Marktoberdorf, Germany.
 Each stone weighing from 20-200kg. represents a unique 'sound-sculpture' and is played in a tangible unfolding process in a fashion similar to rubbing a crystal wine glass. The resulting sound is a completely new and unique experience for human ears and perception.
As we are just in the initial steps of this futuristic and yet deeply ancient sound adventure, we are ready only to communicate on an individual bases about background, process, ethics and purchase.

  The oldest stories of mankind are painted and written on stones-be it the prehistoric rock-art of aboriginal people in Australia, Africa and the Americas or the numerous engravings on ancient tablets of Egypt and Mesopotamia.
In some cultures stones were used in musical ceremonies, as with some archaic tribes in Mail and Togo, in Paleolithic Vietnam, in the ancient Confucian court music of China and Korea, in early Amharic liturgy of Ethiopia and in the Celtic lore of the British isles.
One of the earliest texts on music carved in stone had been uncovered in Tamil Nadu, South India and it is here that we still can find huge stone pillars in rare temples resounding in worship and festivals the wonder of creation.
Many legends speak of "singing stones:, as a symbol of the power of transformation, how through knocking and playing stones the petrified form and rigidity of-apparently dead-matter can release again its inherent flow of life energy, opening 'hardened hearts', revealing the indwelling soul.
The resonance and unique sound of the music of the stones immediately touches the surprised listener, evokes an atmosphere of another time and space and invites on a into the 'heart of matter', expressing the vibrational nature of the manifested world.
Svaram feels fortunate to be able to present after a long sound journey and two years of experimentation the present design. The specially selected and crafted black granite from Rajasthan is tuned-in a labor intense process into diverse scales and sets, utilizing ongoing research of the effects of sound on the psychophysical nature of our being.
The simple play with carefully crafted mallets-following the path of deep and dedicated listening- creates a rare quality of effective sound and a rich spectrum of overtones. Deep resonance can be experienced and the being opens to its original sound source.



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